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Dealing with Elbow Pain

12/15/2023 9:09 PM | Anonymous

This is the time of year a lot of people have a shift in their training. Head racing season is behind us, and the weather is cooling. Elbow pain is a relatively common complaint in rowers though not as prevalent as low back pain. This injury is often related to “training errors” which could be: changing oar handles to something smaller or larger, over-gripping (guilty!), taking time off then returning too quickly, and training in cold weather without warming up. Pain may be in the inside or outside of the elbow, or into the forearm, aka: golfer’s elbow/ medial epicondylitis, tennis elbow/lateral epicondylitits or intersection syndrome. While that is a mouthful, stretching that area is simple for prevention (in addition to avoiding the above training errors). If you’re already experiencing pain, there are some additional simple exercises that can help, come talk to me. 

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