BIAC January Newsletter

Newsletter | Happy New Year!

January 2022

Corkscrew Regatta was a great success on December 18, both in participation and in funds raised for Second Harvest Food Bank. Read full details in the newsletter below.

Email your photos to feature in a future newsletter.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • The Adaptive Erg Class needs help with moving ergs on Saturdays, 10:45am-12:30pm. Contact Kerry or sign up here.
  • We're recruiting Rabbits to lead our visually impaired athletes for our Everybody Rows classes. If you’re interested, contact Coach Chuck.
  • Green Thumb Needed – Are you handy in the garden? Or love to take your aggressions out with a weed whacker? Chris is looking for a volunteer to coordinate yard maintenance. The rains have replenished the weeds as well as our reservoirs, and we need to regain the upper hand. Email Chris to help.

Above, Bella Schiros and Brandon Caesar row the Coastal 2x in costume and decoration along with Bella's dog Lily. They were runner-up for Best Dressed behind the visiting Whoville 8+ from Sacramento. (See group photo at top of newsletter. They're in red!)

Special thanks to Jerry Pierce, Peter Allen and the many other volunteers who helped run the Corkscrew Regatta. They've kept it going over the years and it continues to be a fantastic year-end race, pot-luck and charitable event.

Corkscrew Regatta

On Sat., Dec. 18, BIAC held it's 15th almost-annual Corkscrew Regatta. This fun event benefits the Second Harvest Food Bank and the 2021 participation fees plus donations totaled over $5000. We had 37 boats participate, a total of 78 athletes, including a visiting W8+ from Sacramento (Best Costume Winner) and a Mx2x from Lake Merritt (Best Costume Runner-Up). From teens to septuagenarians, all ages, experience levels and boat types took part. It was a wonderful comeback after cancellation for COVID safety in 2021. For a gallery of photos, result times and a map of the course, click here and learn all about the regatta.

Who's missing? Jerry Pierce made a wet landing to take the photo.
Happy New Year!

Several members rowed out in a high tide on January 1 for an annual celebration row. There were two quads, a 2x, and three singles. They rafted up together and shared mimosas and sundry yummy baked goods. The brine-splashed donut holes were a novel ‘treat’. Cheers to a healthy, safe and fun New Year at BIAC!

Letter from the 2022 BIAC President, Wallace Murfit

Thank you to Jon Carlson for his many years as board president. Still on the board, he is now serving in a director position along with Janet Bellantoni. The elected officer positions were elected at the December board meeting. For upcoming year positions are:


President - Wallace Murfit

Secretary/Vice President - Tracy Wilk

Treasurer - Athena Bradley

I hope that every BIAC member will join me in expressing our appreciation and thanks to Jon Carlson, as he steps down after five years as president of the club. The club is better organized and more vibrant than it was when he began his tenure. Consider the following:

  • Our membership has grown from approximately 180 to approximately 260.
  • The club has run on a balanced budget for the past five years, increasing our cash reserves slightly, despite the challenges of the Covid pandemic.
  • Our fleet of boats has been substantially upgraded. Half of our boats have been acquired during Jon’s term.
  • We have doubled our launching capability, with the addition of the south dock.
  • We have created the position of Director of Operations, which has improved the day-to-day operations of the club considerably. Having a dedicated Director has substantially improved our capacity to coordinate rowing and paddling programs with the Redwood City Parks and Recreation Department. Because the City is our lessor, it is imperative that we maintain a constructive relationship with the City.
  • And as if all his administrative duties weren’t enough, Jon has been a very successful competitor during this past five years, with numerous regional regattas and three trips to the Head of the Charles.

Succeeding Jon as president of the club is a daunting challenge for me. However, my job will be made substantially easier because of all the significant improvements which Jon has made to the operations and facilities of the club. If you see Jon on the dock, please take the time to thank him personally. (Or, you could email him here)

– Wallace

High tide, anyone?

Have you ever seen the tide so high it completely covers the restrictor? That's exactly what happened to Peter and Jerry on December 31st with a 9.8' tide (measured at Wharf 5) when they approached the Smith Slough restrictor. Click on the photo for a larger view.

What's New?

Recruiting Coxswains

BIAC's Competitive team works with dedicated coxswains for practices and races. Did you know that coxswains enjoy complimentary BIAC membership? It you'd like to race with a headset instead of an oar, or know a coxswain looking to get back in a fun team environment on some MWFs 5-7am, please have them email team leads here.

Member Profiles Wanted

In an effort to introduce members to each other, Kass Young will be posting member profiles on the bulletin board in the boathouse. Participation and content is totally up to you! Consider submitting your name and photo to help others put a face to a name. Information on rowing experience or fun stories at BIAC also welcome. Email your information to Kass or ask her questions about what to write.

New at USRowing
  • The member organizations (including BIAC) approved a change to the by-laws to comply with new Federal and USOPC requirements.
  • BIAC and other clubs in the north- and southwest will be represented by a single director. BIAC member Sharon Wienbar is running unopposed for that seat.
  • USR just announced a new Chief High Performance Officer who will be naming new coaches; they already made significant changes to National Team selection.
  • In December, USR also announced new staff to lead member programs and DEI initiatives.
BIAC Great 8+ Awards for 2021!

Above, Marty Udisches carries his quad to the water at Head of the Lagoon last November. Congratulations to Marty, voted the Rising Star at BIAC!

Please be sure to congratulate all of our BIAC 2021 Great Eight award winners and to thank them for making a difficult year much much better.

Despite the continuing pandemic, 2021 at BIAC felt so much more "normal" with a return to team boats, regattas, classes and social events. In addition, we've purchased and received a number of new boats and have several more on order. Of course, none of this would have happened without the support of our great BIAC staff and many, many BIAC members.

The annual BIAC Great Eight awards are designed to give special recognition to those who went above and beyond in various ways. Thanks to all of you who voted and, especially, thanks to all of our Great Eight winners!

  • 8: Rising Star – Marty Udisches
  • 7: Hardest Worker – Chris Flynn
  • 6: Most Likely to Make BIAC Proud – Aisha Chow
  • 5: Resident Guru – Jen Aguirre
  • 4: Club Spirit – Renata Perry
  • 3: I Want You on My Crew – Amanda Hawkins
  • 2: Nutritional Expert – Kathy Giori and Heath Owen
  • 1: Troubleshooter in Chief – Chuck Bonnici
  • Hidden Gem: – Sharon Wienbar
Around BIAC

Bair Island Volunteer Workdays

Join Peninsula Open Space Trust and San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory on January 17 and February 13 to help restore Bair Island, one of the last wetlands in the Bay Area, by weeding invasive plants or planting native species that will help Bair Island's ecosystem. These workdays are NOT part of the BIAC volunteer commitment, but are a chance to do something good, meet new people and learn more about the Bair Island environs. Click here to learn more and register.

Safety Tip

Observe the Cold Weather Rule

Remember to observe the cold weather "100 Degree Rule." Simply put, if the sum of the air temperature plus the water temperature is less than 100 degrees (Fahrenheit), you face the grave danger of cold shock and imminent drowning should you capsize or fall into the water. On such days, it is safer to work out on an erg. The water at Wharf 5 is currently 52 degrees...brrrr! Stay safe, and if you do row, make sure to launch with a friend and keep an eye on each other. (And always bring a phone in a waterproof pouch, cold or not!)

Useful Links

Contact us

Submit newsletter items! Email us here.

(650) 241-8213

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